Jumping In, Feet First

Have you ever had a personal or business idea where it basically just stayed an idea because you were afraid or unsure of taking a chance? I have noticed that throughout my many circles around the sun, I have, or at least in my own mind, came up with many cool ideas but for whatever reason it may be, a form of self sabotage came upon me.

We all know how powerful our minds are. Growing up I often heard the saying, “you can do anything you put your mind to”, but would I ever think that my mind would work against me by creating powerful self doubt? Of course not. But it did, many times.

There was a time where I was wanting to study law. I’ve been told by a few people close to me that I would make a great attorney. All the positive reasons why- I could write well, I could speak well, I most definitely could argue a case well if I was passionate about something. So why don’t I have a J.D. after my name? It was because I was afraid of speaking in front of a group and that self doubt led me onto a different path in life. A life that took years to find myself.

What I’ve learned was nothing will ever happen if I do nothing. That’s a fact. So I told myself this year as I had lot of time to self reflect, was that I need to stop being afraid to fail. I won’t have any outcome- good or bad, if there is no attempt. If I do nothing, the only thing I will get is a negative mindset which will open the door of regret. I needed this pattern to stop.  When the idea of starting an online business came upon my thoughts again, I stopped the thinking and moved with action. Just as I am passionate about standing for a cause, I used that energy to keep moving forward. I made an action plan and checked off each task one by one. I needed to have a business name. There I struggled because although I wanted to be online, what the heck was my product? Surely my name would have to represent my platform. I researched, and lots of experts say to pick a niche. But I did not want to focus on just one thing. I wanted to offer everything. Everything under the sun, with a twist. So my tagline was created before I had a business name - “it’s nothing but everything under the moon”, and that’s the twist - I’m the moon, there is a bright side and a dark side.

Yet, to keep the momentum, I still needed a business name that would focus on things that represent me and not a specific product. Then the moment happened, Peacely Hawaii was born. Once that was settled, the next steps were to create a logo, and legitimize my business.

There is no turning back now. If you made it this far into my story, I thank you for hanging in. I welcome you to Peacely Hawaii. Keep checking back for more cool things I find to post.

Mahalo, Tracy